The XX Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy

July 03-07, 2023, lake Baikal, Irkutsk, Russia

Author's Index

Author: Lugovtsov A.E. (index)

List of reports:

  1. Lugovtsov A.E., Korneev K.N., Tuchin V.V., Priezzhev A.V.
    Optical, fluorescence and spectrosсopic techniques to assess nanoparticles interaction with red blood cells
  2. Priezzhev A.V., Lugovtsov A.E., Ermolinsky P.B., Maksimov M.K., Nikitin S.Yu., Gurfinkel Yu.I., Dyachenko P.A.
    Light scattering, capillaroscopy and laser speckle-contrast spectroscopy techniques in the study of blood microrheology and microcirculation
